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It’s a Trap: Your Government has manufactured the Cost of Living Crisis to advance The Great Reset plan to ensure ‘You will own nothing’ and apparently be happy about it

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Since the end of the gold standard and the beginning of a money printing experiment on a global scale in 1971, the general public become the victims of an endless debt cycle.

Banks can now print as much money as they wish. This in turn creates inflation and debt.

In truth, money would now hold no value whatsoever if debt did not exist. It is, therefore, in the interest of the richest people on this planet to increase debt among the poorest to ensure their own wealth does not decrease in value.

Here in lies the problem. The current debt-based financial system is close to running out of road, and soon enough the majority are not going to be able to afford the most basic of necessities.

This is where the World Economic Forum’s plan for a Great Reset in which you will own nothing and apparently be happy about it comes in.

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The current Great Reset Initiative is an economic recovery plan drawn up by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the project was first launched in 2016, then relaunched in June 2020, with a video featuring the then Prince of Wales Charles III published to mark the relaunch.

One of the stated aims of The Great Reset, among many other sinister aims, is that you will own nothing and be happy about it.

Bear that in mind while you read the following…

For the average person who wishes to buy a house, they go to the bank and request a mortgage. The bank then gives them money that doesn’t actually exist in the form of numbers on a computer screen, and the person is then forced to repay the non-existent money with interest.

However, over the past year, we have seen house prices at record highs, whilst interest rates were at record lows. But those interest rates have since risen sharply. And they are only going in one direction.

This is going to lead to the housing bubble bursting and is going to leave a lot of people lumbered with a house that is in negative equity.

A property is in negative equity if it’s worth less than the mortgage you have on it.

For example, if you bought a property for £200,000, with a mortgage for £180,000 and the property is now worth £100,000, you would be in negative equity.

This leaves you with an immediate problem if you want to sell your home. You have two choices. You sell for £100,000 and pay the bank the £80,000 or less you still owe on top of that from your own funds. But if you don’t have those funds then you simply cannot sell.

But this leaves you with an even bigger problem if you also can no longer afford to repay the mortgage due to rising interest rates.

On 22 September, the Bank of England raised rates by 0.5 percentage points to 2.25% – the highest level for 14 years.

They could reach 6% next year. That estimate is based on the prices investors are paying to borrow money, according to data provider Bloomberg.

So let’s imagine you managed to secure your £200,000 property with a £180,000 mortgage at an interest rate fixed for two years at 2% back in January 2022. This equates to owing the bank £3,600 interest per year, which is £300 a month. This is before you repay any of the mortgage.

But the Bank of England has since put the rates up to 6%, which means the best deals available at high street banks start at 8%. You need to renew in January 2024, but now you owe £14,400 a year in interest on your £180,000 mortgage. This equates to £1,200 a month. Again, this is before you repay any of the mortgage.

Suddenly your monthly repayment costs have increased by 300%. Add to that the ridiculous rise in energy costs, fuel costs, and food costs, and suddenly you’ve found yourself in a position where you can no longer afford to repay your mortgage. But your house is also in negative equity, so you can’t sell.

Now the bank comes in and repossesses your home. They sell it as quickly as possible, usually for less than the market value. Now you owe the bank even more than you would have if you’d sold the property yourself.

But you can’t afford to repay the bank so you need to declare yourself bankrupt. But that now means the bank has lost the money it gave you that never actually existed in the first place.

Suddenly the country is left with a wealth of people that can no longer afford the homes they have, can no longer get another home due to having to declare themselves bankrupt, and can’t even get on the property ladder in the first place.

The Government has two choices. It allows millions to be homeless, or it ensures there are millions more properties available to rent. So it allows the banks to rent out the repossessed houses which also allows the “panicking” banks to recoup the money that never existed in the first place in the long term.

This now means there aren’t as many existing properties available to buy.

But this problem won’t be solved by new builds either.

That’s because, as you may be surprised to find, the high street banks have been buying up all of the new builds to rent them out.

In July 2021, Lloyds Banking Group, the UK’s largest mortgage lender, announced its aim to become one of the UK’s biggest private landlords, with a target of buying 50,000 homes in the next 10 years.

At the time Lloyds said –

“One in five households in the UK rent privately, with demand set to increase over the next five years. As many traditional private landlords leave the market due to changes in regulation and tax, this will further affect the supply of rental properties.”

Can you see where this is all going?

The current Great Reset Initiative is an economic recovery plan drawn up by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the project was first launched in 2016, then relaunched in June 2020, with a video featuring the then Prince of Wales Charles III published to mark the relaunch.

The initiative’s stated aim is to facilitate rebuilding from the global COVID-19 crisis in a way which prioritises sustainable development.

WEF chief executive officer Klaus Schwab described three core components of the Great Reset: creating conditions for a “stakeholder economy”; building in a more “resilient, equitable, and sustainable” way, utilising environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics; and “harness[ing] the innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”

One of the stated aims of The Great Reset, among many other sinister aims, is that you will own nothing and be happy about it.

Ask yourself:

How is it that more than 190 governments from all over the world ended up dealing with the Covid pandemic in almost exactly the same manner, with lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccination cards now being commonplace everywhere?

The answer may lie in the Young Global Leaders school, which was established and managed by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum (“WEF”), and that many of today’s prominent political and business leaders passed through on their way to the top.

That hidden alliance of former WEF Young Global Leaders is now working in lockstep to destroy the economy and create a cost of living crisis so that The Great Reset can be implemented.

Bursting the housing bubble, gifting the houses to just a few large corporations and banks, and forcing everyone to rent is just a small part of that plan, but it’s a vital part.

You must pay attention to current economic matters before it’s too late. Don’t allow yourself to be caught in the trap that has been laid to ensure you will own nothing. Because one thing’s for certain. Despite what the WEF insists, you definitely will not be happy about it.

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Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
1 year ago

Good stuff. Have you ever been able to delve into the WEF “Circle of trust” –comment image?ssl=1 well many moons ago I could get on it and it goes on and on and on … so you click a heading or sub heading … papers come up and the circle gets a bit smaller (regards headings and subheadings), so click another … and repeat and repeat.

Somewhere it was stated that it was the most complex “algorithm” – if that is the correct word ever designed – and at the risk of sounding worried; they seem to have everything covered. BUT WHAT THEY DO INCLUDE IS THE ASSUMPTION OF HAVING A LOT OF CONTOL OVER US, but I think maybe they have overestimated their powers – because many that have so called “awakened” now openly state that they can FO and we are not having anymore.

Interesting times hey ?.

PS I was kicked off their site.

raj patel
raj patel
1 year ago

That’s a nice and simple explanation that can be shared with others – we need more of this type of article that connects what is going on right now with how it impacts people, without getting over complicated or sounds too conspiracy theorist. I remember back in the 1980s when the interest rate hit 12% and people were posting their house keys through the letter box of their lenders – and walking away from their homes. Due to the recession I lost my job and was queuing for ‘dole’ (unemployment) money with my girlfriend and two brothers.

1 year ago

My Friend mom makes 45 US dollars an hour on the internet . She has been out of w0rk for eight months but last month her pay check was 11,000 just w0rking on the internet for a few hours. Simply give it a shot on
the accompanying article…

J Smith
J Smith
Reply to  Brooklyn
1 year ago

Don’t be a fool. There is never a ‘free’ anything – ALWAYS strings attached. It’s our Freedoms we need to get us out of the Great Reset mess.

Jayna Dinnyes
Jayna Dinnyes
Reply to  Brooklyn
1 year ago

Well sure she did! And why (WHY!) are you permitted to spam this site?

1 year ago

In March 2020 my aunt said to my mother, Boris Johnson should have locked down sooner. That was my aunt’s criticism of Boris Johnson. The Swedes later said they had hoped Boris Johnson would follow in their footsteps and reject the lockdown policy. Can you see it is people like my ignorant aunt who pressurised leaders like Boris Johnson to lockdown. Karl Shwab or whatever you call him from WEF did not pressurise Boris, or was not the only person to pressurise Boris, the pressure came from the ignorant masses as much as from The Elite.

My nephew has just graduated from University and is renting with his girlfriend.

Tell me why should he be automatically given a home to house himself, a wife / girlfriend and children?

His parents painstakingly paid for his education. Why doesn’t he live with them and help them to pay the exorbitant lecce bills this winter, instead of immediately giving all the benefits of his education and fledgling career/salary to the missus? Why not? Because according to the ”Great Reset” fear mongers, in that case he would ‘own nothing and be very happy’ in accordance with WEF. The fearmongers who make us dread the “Great Reset” would have us think that not to have a mortgage and own your own property is a dire situation. I am afraid they are wrong. Responsible people do not borrow to buy a home and start families, and yes, they are very happy without this noose around their necks. The anti “Great Reset” people would want my nephew to rent for a short while, then keep his eye out to buy a property with the aid of a mortgage, and be happy with the life long burden of a fat wife, fat mortgage and two fat children.

You have explained the Great Reset to me, if it is what you have described in this article, then it isn’t as bad as what the fearmongers had made me dread.

Rabbi Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
Reply to  Karen
1 year ago


Reply to  Rabbi Seamus
1 year ago

You see Rabbi Seamus, your actions are an example of how our society suppresses Free Speech. You show the others that you are against what I say, and yet you are not able to explain WHY or WHAT you have against what I say. People have proven that they are sheeple over and over again: just look at how they all got the Covid 19 vaccine ( I and my 84 year old mother are unvaccinated, and we have never suffered from Covid, never tested positive. This is because we believe in Free Speech, thought for ourselves, and considered what others had to say. Most people did not do this) So people are like sheeple. Some people just consider a man’s word is superior to that of a woman’s without even listening to its content. There are people who will consider that you are more ‘cool’ that you have more ‘fashionable’ opinions than I do. If you attack without giving reason, these ignorant people will respect you, and in their minds CANCEL me, without giving what I said a chance for consideration. So please, if you have reason to oppose what I say, then let us please debate it, instead of insulting and cancelling me

Reply to  Karen
1 year ago

People or Sheeple you are as bad as MSM and BBC and WEF and all those you criticize if you insult without giving your REASON. You should debate what I am saying, not insult. You know there are few enough people on our side. I bet none of you dare to say c19 vaccines are bad let alone NWO or Great Reset ( and yes I do suspect the latter two are conspiracy theories by people who in their normal lives keep their mouths absolutely shut about the stupidity of Ukraine sanctions and C19 vaccine policies.) PLEASE DEBATE INSTEAD OF INSULTING. ( Expose website should do something about this too)

1 year ago

Excuse me Expose website. Why are you still awaiting approval for my speech. I thought you believed in free speech? I did not post images of child pornography did I? Surely therefore there is nothing “controversial” about my opinion and you should publish it immediately so that your readers have the benefit of a range of different viewpoints

Reply to  Karen
1 year ago

Let me guess, you think the Great Reset is a good idea?

Reply to  Steve
1 year ago

I am not really sure what is the Great Reset. WhenI have time I’ll listen to what an anti-vax financier living in Maui in Hawaii called Edward Dowd says about it.

What I don’t understand about our side (meaning anti-vax, pro-Putin, pro-Trump, pro-CCP, anti-Isis side) is that they blame an imaginary “elite”. I know so many people Westerners, Chinese, Russian who are adamently opposed to FREEDOM OF SPEECH. No wonder we live in a world with so much ignorance, where solving problems takes so much longer and some problems may never get solved at all.

I worry about what Andrey Gurulyov said. This man was forlerly a Russian senior general. He says Russian could nuke England. No one is worried? Just CANCEL him? This CANCEL CULTURE is the bane of Western civilisation and will lead to its demise

Andrew Whitehill
Andrew Whitehill
Reply to  Karen
1 year ago

Karen, you say you are pro CCP? You do understand that they are the blueprint for mass surveillance we are under right now? The social credit system is used to punish those who say the wrong thing. Denial of transportation, access to stores , medical , money , and all at the flick of a switch.
The reason that you believe in free speech existing is you are in your golden years. You may be anti vax, but you are also a burden on the system. You are collecting ss? I would think? They are actively working to cull people who are non productive off the payout list.
This whole thing is driven by the uninformed, but it is initiating from WEF and un in a top down direction. They are very arrogant, thinking you are too stupid to live without guidance.
There are a lot of cross entanglement through marriage and money. They have weaponised the media to promote one storyline, the truth is irrelevant to the sheep. They are going to be dead soon anyway. Good luck.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Karen
1 year ago

The Expose censors my posts too. They do not believe in freedom of speech They must have a hidden agenda.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  The Exposé
1 year ago

That is not true. You ban mention of certain topics.

Jayna Dinnyes
Jayna Dinnyes
Reply to  The Exposé
1 year ago

Why do you allow spam (like from Brooklyn, more than once)? Just asking . . .

1 year ago

There are too many sheeple and also many that don’t want to admit that they had been deceived.

Jayna Dinnyes
Jayna Dinnyes
Reply to  biggrump
1 year ago


A Nation of Sheep.jpg
Reply to  biggrump
1 year ago

Whatever the case, avoiding the issue is no longer possible. All will need to act, soon. And, yes, inaction IS action.

Nigel Watson
Nigel Watson
1 year ago

They have run out of time, and when all else fails they take you to war. This is what’s going on with this this pipeline explosion. The WEF hoped to bring in CBDCs and a CCP-style social credit score system. However, their plan now looks doomed for the reasons which I outline here. What we also need to realise is that when all else fails, they will use war as the ultimate distraction. And they will need a distraction because even the mask-wearing zombies will be angry with the government once their home gets repossessed, their pension evaporates, and their cash is stolen from them via bank bailins.

Rabbi Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
Reply to  Nigel Watson
1 year ago

If pensions are wiped out then everyone becomes a ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ overnight.

Jayna Dinnyes
Jayna Dinnyes
Reply to  Rabbi Seamus
1 year ago

Not exactly! IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion) they will finally
“See the Light!” I post publicly and freely on MeWe.
Happy and Blessed Days of Awe!

Reply to  Rabbi Seamus
1 year ago

Pensions are ALREADY wiped out… just the people themselves don’t know this. So, it’s more a case of that fact becoming revealed.

Andrew Whitehill
Andrew Whitehill
Reply to  Rabbi Seamus
1 year ago

They have pretty well accomplished the wipeout. The definition of a corrupted govt is one that spends more on military aid to a foreign govt, thant the entire Russian military budget. The leader of Ukraine is a WEF leadership graduate, just like Trudeau, and Biden. There is only one way to interrupt this decent into evil. The perpetrators need to be removed from the position of life. Get them all, distribute justice , start over fresh , 1776ver2023. Stay safe and away from cities.

Reply to  Nigel Watson
1 year ago

Nigel Watson, Your video whiwh you shared talks about a debt crisis. He also talks about people getting very angry and resorting to physical violence. But I ask to whom?
1)It was people like my ignorant aunt who wanted Boris Johnson to aplly lockdown policies
2) Let’s face it 99% of the bloody people accepted and cheered for the expensive vaccines
3) Nobody would give an anti Ukraine sanctions let alone a pro-Putin stance any consideration whatsover.
4) they constantly put so much unnecessary personal debt on themselves by taking out bloody mortgages to buy houses in the first place. Why all this pressure on the housing market. It is so selfish as though it is a ‘right’ that society or the government owes them

Why be a conspiracy theorist blaming the elite, government, authorities. IT IS ABSOLUTELY THE PEOPLE’S OR SHEEPLE’S IWN FAULT.

Please debate if you disagree. It is cowardly and an obstruction of free speech to merely insult, and above all itvis this suppression of free speech which has led UK to where it is now

Concerned Citizen
Concerned Citizen
1 year ago

Great that you write these articles. Thank you. But it would be also nice to have solutions we as citizens of this world, could put in place to do our part to counter this. Please write expert articles on how we could circumvent WEF plans. We did not vote for the WEF. We don’t need to give away our power.

1 year ago

In November 2021 I posted a comment on a Daily Mail article which was claiming inflation was actually low and the economy was okay. My comment was the top comment but subsequently removed..

The UK economy is a basket case. The true rate of inflation is knowing how much you paid for items on this day last year verses today. Fuel, food, property, and even used cars have increased in price over the last year. It’s the first time in history used cars have gone up in price. The true rate of inflation is about 30% and not the fantasy figures quoted in this article. There won’t be enough food banks to keep up with the pending starvation over the next couple of years. Quantitative easing is basically the printing of money and the creation of credit which devalues the pound and diminishes spending power. Prepare for hyperinflation by oiling your wheelbarrow ready for carrying all the banknotes you’ll need to buy a loaf of bread.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
1 year ago

Where is the bad language in my posting?

1 year ago

I understand the whole money creation fraud, that the money isn’t real, yet we all, including the banks, behave as if it were real. When you apply for a mortgage, the bank actually has to give the seller the mortgage money in payment, and the seller can then use that money to buy another house, or for any other purpose. There may be nothing tangible there, it may all be numbers generated on screens, but it can be used to generate numbers on other screens that allow a purchaser to walk away with tangible things. It’s a house of cards and collapse is inevitable, but in the meantime we have in our possession cars and clothing and furniture and (when mortgages are paid off) houses and land. If, or when, the entire system collapses, and there are no more dollars and no more numbers on screens, what are the property tax collectors going to do? What is anyone going to do?

Reply to  Kay
1 year ago

This is exactly why they NEED, desperately need, the digital “currency” to be put into place… So, their schemes of getting something tangible for essentially nothing can continue forever. So, we will be debt slaves forever, and never have anything to our names, not even the clothes on our backs.

Reply to  grrlrocks
1 year ago

It is the NAME the people attach themselves to that leaves them with absolutely ZERO.
Everything belongs to a Man or Woman. NOTHING belongs to a citizen, resident, legal fiction NAME.

1 year ago

[…] WEF Ops Agents – Advance The Great Reset Plan By Manufacturing The Cost Of Living Crisis To Ensure… […]

1 year ago

Thank you for this article. It explained better to me how they intend to enslave us. – through our unbridled desires!
Notice how the culture we live in promotes and tell us that we should desire a lot of luxury, and feel like we deserve it.
THAT is the TRAP that will ensnare us. Because – in reality – nothing is for free. What you “take for granted” now, are going to enslave you tomorrow.
If you want to buy a place to live, be it an apartment or a house, which is a good thing, make sure you do your calculations, and include a good enough buffer to handle challenges. Plan with approx 15% rent, and allow for economical hardship as in not being able to earn the same amount of money, or that you will be earning less from time to time. This should help inform you about how much you can afford to pay for the property. If what you are looking at is too expensive, then – use that information to go for something that is less expensive. Also, keep in mind that there might be repairs or changes you will want to do – which also cost money. Most of all, make your commitment to what sacrifices you can and are willing to make to handle the investment. Maybe you should settle in a more rural area – where prices are lower. Just remember to include travel cost in your budget.
The most important though is, DO NOT COMMIT to buying anything that you cannot comfortably afford. Otherwise, you WILL become a slave in some form.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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